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Here are some samples of the work I do. Instructional Design, Voice Talent, and samples of my writing.


SAMPLE 1: Book Review Blog: Adventures in YA Books, is a blog that was created for my Young Adult Resources class. Examples include a variety of book talk practices/reviews and video book talks.

SAMPLE 2: Instructional Design: A hospital in the mid-west needed training for Cerner software. This video is a sample of the type of course I made. Sorry for the blurred out bits, but I tried my best to hide the client name.  This sample includes, an example of the static screens, a tutorial (also sorry for poor audio, it was recorded out of the speakers while playing the course back), an exercise, and a review question.

What I did: Wrote the tutorial script (the audio), the text on the static screens, scripted out and gathered images for the exercise, and wrote the review question. 

SAMPLE 3: Voice Talent:  My voice over demos can be found at my Voice Over website. Track 1: Commerical (left), Track 2: Narrative (right).

SAMPLE 4: Sample Files of Scripts and Job Aids and my Blog.

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